May is Turkey Hunting Season 

Spring Turkey Season 3 Hunting Season in Iowa started April 25th and it lasts until May 1st. Season 4 starts May 2nd and lasts until May 20th. Resident Archery only for turkey hunting is also from April 16th to May 20th. It’s a much awaited time of the year for many, and Daryl’s Guns has the supplies, firearms, guns, knives, and bows to make sure that you are well prepared to make the most of the season.

First, some history…

Way back in the early 1900s, hunting was not restricted and there were many people who took advantage of this fact. This led to some dire consequences in many areas. One of which was that wild turkeys were completely eliminated in Iowa. In fact, they were not re-introduced until a half century or more later in 1966 when the Iowa Conservation Commission released wild turkeys across the state.

This gives us perspective on the realities of why we have hunting seasons and why we need to be responsible hunters and gun owners. The environment, our food sources, and the animals themselves depend us to make sure that we are keeping ourselves in check and obeying the rules surrounding hunting. They’re there for a reason, and that reason is to protect us all from things like this happening ever again.


Your Responsibilities

In Iowa, the daily bag and season possession limit is one bearded or male wild turkey for each valid license and transportation tag issued to the hunter (source). Additionally, the shooting hours are a half hour before sunrise to sunset each day of the season. Successful hunters should report their harvest online or at 1-800-771-4692. For more information on turkey hunting, please check out these websites from the Iowa DNR on turkey hunting, hunter education, and hunting license laws.


How to Get Prepared for Hunting

While most people who are considering hunting this season or next are already aware of what you may need, others may not. Daryl’s Guns has a wide selection of hunting gear, guns, knives, and bows and we are happy to assist you in finding what you need and giving you advice if you’re not sure exactly what that is. But, the most important thing to do is get a hunting license, and we do offer turkey hunting licensing.

Please make sure that you are wearing the correct boots and reflective hunting gear. There are others out hunting as well, and it’s important to be aware of that while you’re out. What your choice for hunting is will depend on what you’re interested in, and we can help you with that. If you would like to try out a gun, we offer gun rentals and we have a shooting range on the premise that’s open seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Please contact us for more information or visit us if you would like to check out our merchandise and inventory. Daryl’s Guns is proud to provide you with all you need for this turkey hunting season, and we hope you’ll remember us for all your other guns, firearms, knives, bows, and other needs.